The EU’s PPWR packaging proposals risk turning on the tap in a big way!
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Europe needs sustainable solutions, not simple solutions.
A new alliance for packaging rules that deliver the best outcomes for the environment, business and consumers
As businesses from a wide cross-section of the HORECA European economy – generating billions of euros for the EU economy and millions of jobs – we are concerned about the progress of the EU’s proposed Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR).
While we support the overall goals of the Green Deal, we are worried about the unintended consequences of the proposed PPWR legislation for the environment, the economy, food safety and consumers.
And that is why we have decided to join forces to create a new cross-sector alliance: Together for Sustainable Packaging.
The EU proposals are no simple answer
The EU wants to prioritise reusable packaging in its updated PPWR – but this is no simple answer. For reuse models to have a positive environmental impact, consumers need to return reusable containers again and again and again.
And while the Commission has conducted an initial impact study, we feel it currently lacks depth and in particular does not consider economic and food safety aspects. Several high-level independent studies suggest that replacing recyclable packaging from renewable sources with reusable plastic packaging actually increases emissions, water use, and plastic waste.
As highlighted on this website, the studies clearly show recyclable fibre-based packaging has the greater potential to benefit the environment, economy, food safety and consumers.
beware the unintended consequences of well-meaning legislation.

Time to pause, assess the data, and reflect on the best way forward
Together for Sustainable Packaging calls on decision makers at EU level to pause, assess the increasingly significant data, and reflect upon the best way forward, as well as for national governments not to proceed with their own legislation.
Only by doing this can we achieve the broad goals of the EU Green Deal that everyone wants to see enacted – before the unintended consequences of the well-meaning PPWR legislation have a lasting and negative impact on the environment, the economy and on consumers’ lives.
What is PPWR?
The aims of a revised EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR)
Through its proposed revision of the EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation – part of the European Green Deal – the European Commission says that it wants to prevent the generation of packaging waste, boost high quality recycling, and reduce the need for primary natural resources including through mandatory recycling targets.
A shift to reusable packaging - a simple solution to a complex situation?
In the PPWR, the Commission is promoting a shift to reusable packaging, despite growing evidence of the adverse effects on the economy, food safety and the environment. By focusing on reusable packaging, the PPWR could have unintended consequences and be counterproductive to the overall goals of the Green Deal.
With the proposal now being considered by the European Parliament and national governments in the Council, Together for Sustainable Packaging is calling on decision makers at EU level to pause, assess the increasingly significant data, and reflect upon the best way forward, as well as for national governments not to proceed with their own legislation.