The Facts
The EU wants to prioritise reusable packaging in its updated Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation - but this is no simple answer.
And here’s why: replacing recyclable packaging from renewable sources with reusable plastic packaging actually increases emissions, water use, and plastic waste.
Get the facts on how the EU proposals may have unintended consequences…
Not a Greenwash
An independent study shows that recycled materials in packaging could reduce CO2 emissions by up to 70%*
Reusables could increase water use by up to 267%**

*Kearney “No Silver Bullet” – Why a mix of solutions will achieve circularity in Europe’s IEO sector 2023
** Ramboll 2020 LCA study between paper single-use dishes system & equivalent multiple-use dishes in Quick Service Restaurants
Championing Paper
An independent study shows that reusables could increase EU plastic waste by up to 1500%.
The environment loses*

*Kearney “No Silver Bullet” – Why a mix of solutions will achieve circularity in Europe’s IEO sector 2023
Water Consumption
An independent study shows that reusables could increase water use by up to 267%*

*Ramboll 2020 LCA study between paper single-use dishes system & equivalent multiple-use dishes in Quick Service Restaurants
Reusables and Plastic !
An independent study shows that reusables could increase EU plastic waste by up to 1500%.
The environment loses*

*Kearney “No Silver Bullet” – Why a mix of solutions will achieve circularity in Europe’s IEO sector 2023
Download the full Kearney study
Download the comprehensive study on the European IEO sector’s transition to circularity, produced by global management consulting firm Kearney and commissioned by McDonald’s.
The study seeks to enable a fact-based dialogue among stakeholders—outlining and quantifying the impact of different circularity models and specific solutions across economic, environmental, and consumer dimensions by enabling a fact-based dialogue among stakeholders.